"Wong Kar-Wai has opened up a new emotional dimension in Hong-Kong cinema, [...]. His use of music is characteristic of this approach, which aims the whole time to bring out an unstated emotion. Unlike other Hong-Kong directors, Wong Kar-Wai never uses Chinese music, because in his films the sound-track never illustrates a precise, real context, but evokes a purely referential, even interior world (Lalanne, 30)."
In "CHASING THE METAPHYSICAL EXPRESS: MUSIC IN THE FILMS OF WONG KAR-WAI," Jean-Marc Lalanne profoundly analyzes the role of music in WKW's films, giving examples from films like Chungking Express, Days of Being Wild, Happy Together, Ashes of Time. Although we've only watched a couple of them, the significance of the usage of music in WKW's films is already obviously presented.
His comment on the interaction between music and the characters remarkably fits to Chungking Express, in terms of the young waitress's relationship with her beloved song, California Dreaming:
"The interaction between music and the characters is expressed visually just as much as symbolically. In Wong Kar-Wai's films the characters create their own sound environment. They hear and above all listen to music. Music exaggerates their narcissistic impulses, brings out their natural sensuality and consolidates the fantasy worlds that they invent for themselves. Music creates pockets of fiction within the overall fiction of the story, mini-narratives for the characters (31)."
Some similar comments could also be found in both Brunette and Teo's writings on Chungking Express.
Read through all there readings for Chungking Express, and investigate how music is mapped out in the film and how it contributes to the overall meaning of the film, in consideration of WKW's other stylistic choices of cinematic elements. You can always refer to any films/shorts that we have watched in class or anything else of your own interest.
* Keep in mind that week4.k.w is designed to be a shorter/similar version of our midterm paper. An assignment sheet will be ready next Thursday.
* Chungking Express is available on netflix (although not for instant watch). Our library also has a VHS copy with English subtitle aviable at the 4F circulation desk, and there are players right next to it.