Saturday, April 2, 2011


Several stylized choice in wkw's films have been mentioned in class this week (refer to our readings for week 1 on dropbox if you need). Try to specify a single trait, provide example(s) from the shorts and elaborate how you identify with this specific characteristic. You can also compare and contrast wkw's filmmaking techniques with some other filmmakers with whom you're familiar if that helps.

Refer to the following links to re-watch the shorts you need:
The Hand (from Eros)
(no subtitle embedded. check out the library copy if you're looking for subtitle)


  1. One thing I've already noticed with all of his films is the pacing he uses. All of his films use slow cuts. The picture though are so interesting it works very well.


  2. I enjoy his focus more on single frames, and filling each with as much color and meaning. HIs close ups of these artistic frames really pull you in to the frame itself specifically There's Only One Sun. Though you may be confused with the overall narrative of the film, you can't take your eyes off of it.

    Matthew Johns

  3. One of the techniques that WKW employs in his films is the use of handheld camera. I really enjoy his use of this because it makes the scenes feel very personal. Almost as if we are the room with the actors spying on what they are doing. Very voyeuristic particularly during the extra long takes.

  4. I like his use of color in most of his films. They're different and extreme. One scene is black and white, another is warm and neutral, while the next can be completely bright with lots of color. He also over uses the "dramatic pause" is most that he's done. The pause can be used as a great tension moment, but when over used can get boring and lessen the tension. His close ups are very personal and adding in the different camera angles help keep them all original. I do enjoy the hand held, alot of times directors are too scared to stray from a tripod.
